Tag Archives: organizing


Shortly after moving into our new home in May, I was diagnosed with Shingles.  I had to call my mom and ask her, when did I have the chicken pox!!  Both doctors I saw said at some point in my life I must have had a very mild case in order for it to rear it’s ugly head again.  My shingles were purely internal and attacked my nerve endings, which are still painful most days.  Unfortunately they said it could take 6 months – 1 year before its completely gone.  Probably the worst pain I’ve experienced in my lifetime and not something I would wish on my worst enemy.

They also told me it was most likely stress induced; to which I had a nice chuckle.  They said the move must have stressed me out and made the symptoms flair up.  I proceeded to tell the doctors that after 5 unsuccessful IUI’s, an unsuccessful IVF and two disrupted adoptions that you think a move stressed me out?!?!

Anyway, I tell you this story because in the almost six months that we’ve lived here, we still have a mound of boxes piled in our garage and not a single room in our house is organized the way I would like it to be.

I recently came across a blog that I want to share with you about home organization. This blogger uses a 14 week series to help you get your home organized.  I’m really excited to start week 1 and get my kitchen in prime condition.  As she says, the kitchen is usually the hub of the house and it can get dirty and messy in the snap of a finger.  Some of the tips are great and I look forward to trying them; others, I would need a kitchen about 3 times the size of what I have to make it work.

Since we are in the waiting phase of our adoption process, I’m hoping to get through several weeks of organizing process.  Don’t forget, if you are interested in reading our story, please see my previous posts about our adoption journey (Home Study Day, Adoption Journey and our fundraising efforts to bring home Caleb’s baby sister.

I’d love if people would share their personal organization tips or websites you’ve used in the comments section.  Lets help each other and see if we can answer these three questions together:

1.  What room / area of your home do you struggle to keep organized?
2.  Do you have a favorite storage accessory that is a “must have”.3.  Do you have a website or Facebook page you follow for tips or inspiration for keeping your home organized?

Happy Organizing!!